The Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, Inc., dba Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, is a non-profit organization funded entirely by Wisconsin's dairy farm families. The organization has been created to increase the sale and consumption of Wisconsin milk and dairy products.
Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin is farmer-owned and farmer-directed. Our 25 dairy farmer board members are elected by their peers for three-year terms. Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin’s farmer-directors have direct involvement in planning and monitoring the organization’s marketing and promotional programs which are conducted by a staff of marketing, research, and communications professionals.
Recent Articles From Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
PDPW believes in a producer-led vision, matched with a best-in-class experience. PDPW is a network of producers and allied industry members from across the nation and globe. They represent every type and size of dairy farm and value the diversity of today's dairy farming business.
PDPW is diverse in our individual business practices and goals, yet share a united commitment to continuous improvement, lifelong learning, and in the end, our "dairy" brand.
They offer best-in-class education representing the latest ideas, solutions, resources, and experiences to help dairy producers succeed